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اختبار ابريل 2015

Rashid Educational Directorate
Edfina sec.school for girls
April Test 2015 / ( Second year )
الاسم:- .................................................. ....... الفصل 2 /
I- Respond to each of the following situations: (4 marks)
1.You are asked to suggest a solution to global warming.
2. A friend uses the word antidisestablishmentarianism . You don't understand the word .
3. You recommend a hotel to your pen friend. What do you say?
4. You tell your friend how you spent the Sham Elnessim Day .
2- Choose the correct answer: (6 marks)
1) Ali wasn't feeling well yesterday. He (had been studying-studied-had studied-was studying) hard all weekend.
2) Ice is a good (insulate-insulated-insulating-insulation) material.
3) Your garden is bigger than (we-us-our-ours).
4) British Airways regret (announce-announcing-announced -
to announce) that Flight BA205 to Madrid has been cancelled.
5) If he (left-have left-would leave-had left) on time, he wouldn't have missed the bus.
6) There is growing (support-agreement-consent-opposition) in Europe to factories that make a lot of pollution.
7) A number of students in our class( is - are –have -has) good.
8) The Siwa Oasis (situates-situated-are situated-is situated) in the Western Desert.
9) Ghada (has to-must-needs-needn’t) study physics at school next year.
10) Things ought to (make-made-be made-be making) clear to them.
11) By the age of five, I (can-can’t-could-couldn't) swim 100 metres.
12) (Interruption-Independence-Interference-Reference) means getting involved in a situation when you are not wanted.
3- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly: (6 marks)
1) A psychologist studies prehistoric forms of life.
2) Agriculture is the beliefs, behaviour, art and ideas of a society.
3) Most of the old part of the town has being abandoned.
4) A string is a place where water comes naturally from the ground.
5) If you heat water, it changed into steam.
6) A cautious tale is a story that warns people of something.
4- The Reader " Gulliver's' Travels"
Answer the following questions: (4 marks)
1-How did Gulliver escape from Brobdingnag ?
2-Name two or three things that Gulliver showed the captain to prove his story was true.
3- How was Brobdingnag different from Gulliver's country ?
4- What is the moral lesson of " Gulliver's Travels "?
5- A) Translate into Arabic:(3 Ms)
The Egyptian youth can take the lead and make miracles. Egypt has the potential to become a model for other Arab and Middle Eastern countries. We hope to see young people with their IT skills succeeding in what older generations have failed.
B) Translate into English: (2 Ms )
بلادي لكي حبي وفؤادي ، فعيشي حرة واسلمي رغم الأعادي
Best of luck
MrGawad Elshafey

اختبار ابريل 2015
موقع بوابة الثانوية العامة متخصص فى التعليم المصرى و كافة المراحل التعليمية الإبتدائية , الإعدادية و الثانوية كذلك الجامعات المصرية و نتائج الامتحانات للشهادات بمحافظات مصر

موقع وظائف جوجل وظائف جوجل,

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